My Thoughts Are My Own

Sunday, July 31, 2005


Although my blog entries are few and far between, this will be my last entry for a while. Tomorrow at 5:30am I hit the road with the Saucy Fops for the fringe tour, and it should be just awesome. Thanks to all the theatre folk that helped make this a wicked and memorable summer, and thanks to those other folks who also had a hand in it.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

...what a system...

So my buddy Rob goes into the Liquor Store today. What does he choose to purchase? A bottle of South African Merlot and a case of Pilsner. Classy until the end Mr. Flandersssss. So he goes up to the cashier to pay for his selection, and the guy asks the baby face for some ID. Quite reasonable, I thought. We get IDed all the time. Well, I'm waiting outside with Rob's bike, and out he comes, empty handed, asking me to buy his booze for him cause they won't take his ID. No problem. Flandersssss is a good buddy, and I can afford it. So I go up to the counter, haul out my ID, and the bloody cashier won't accept it. See, Rob's license expired, and they wouldn't accept it, although he's 4 years past the age limit. And he has many other pieces of ID to back it up, with photos. But nooooooo because it's expired it's no good. And neither is mine because now I'm booting for a 23 year old with ID that should be good, expired or no.

Capitalism at it's finest. Once the ID expires, you need to fork over some cash to be able to have a legal license. Without that cash, you can't do shit as a legal adult, it seems. Rob is a student, and doesn't own a car and never drives, and also can't afford the $70 or so to renew it. Now, he's in the same boat as an 18 year old. Just remember, the government only wants your money, and will create laws to make sure they can get your money. They don't care about you or me or your mom or your fucking dog. They care about money. I see this everywhere, and frankly, it disgusts me to live in a society so bent on money. This isn't a democracy, it's a greedy, capitalist, pigheaded, selfish, exploiting hole that only dooms itself for destruction. It's only to help those in power, while the rest of us, and the world and all the creatures that's in't, suffer, and sometimes even die.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I'd like to ask my Grandma Jean Willis, who died July 12, 2004 at 11:40 am, to rest in peace.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I'm on the bus the other day. It stops at a stop, as buses do, and an elderly gentleman with a load of groceries comes on the bus. And as will happen with old people he trips and falls over. Thankfully, the bus driver helped him out. So he should, but still good on him.

But bad on the fucking punks at the back who see it, scream, "DID YOU SEE THAT?" and all joyously laugh their asses off. Cause you know that kind of thing is pretty funny. An old guy with groceries falls over, probably breaks his hip, and is seriously injured. Life is a comedy where people get knocked over or hit by a bus or trip at the right time, isn't it, just like "Not Another Teen Movie" or any other spoof.

Well it's not.