My Thoughts Are My Own

Monday, January 30, 2006

...all good things...

After many months of planning and preparation, rehearsals, crazy times, stressful times, fun times, Suburban Motel has come to an end. It passed by so quickly and ended so abruptly. But it went amazingly. Congrats to the cast and crew. It was a blast, and man, was it good. I sat thru nine hours of George F. Walker, watching my peers show off how good they were. I saw things come out of everyone on that stage that I had never seen from any of them. Everyone proved themselves, especially after they overcame the small time-frame we had to get it ready. Adrian tells no lie when he says that directing has a satisfaction like none other. When the lights closed on those shows (particularly the ones I played a part in), I wanted to wheep. But that's not manly so I didn't. I said earlier I sat through nine hours of theatre, that was wrong. I was entertained for nine hours, forgetting how much time had past.

Thank you Sam. Thank you Derek. Thank you Melissa. Thank you Furr. Thank you Janelle. Thank you Marietta. Thank you MacQuarrie. Thank you Alex. Thank you Harmony. Thank you Peter. Thank you Coolsy. Thank you Foffinator. Thank you Claire. Thank you Lindsday. Thank you Giz. Thank you Drew. Thank you Kim. Thank you Dusan. Thank you Dewy. Thank you Brendan. Thank you Jess. Thank you Dez. Thank you Gayle. Thank you Tara. Thank you Steve. And to you Adrian -- Thanks man. You're the best.

Suburban Motel may be over but I will never forget it. I worked with two great casts on two great shows in a series of six great shows. I had fun. I learned more than I ever thought I would.

Thank you. All of you.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Check this out. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen, which shows the true excitement of my life none of you ever get to see. Hours of mindless fun, if of course it works on your computer.

...I direct your attention to an Automatic Thought...

I made an ass of myself today, unintentionally. This happens often, although today I really felt like an ass. My buddy Foff sent me a link to his latest blog, which I had already seen on his MSN name. I had opened his site and meant to read it, then got distracted. When he sent me the link, I said to him, "Read it. Liked it." I hadn't read it. I was lying. But I had intended to read it. I made a few dumb jokes, then realized after reading it that his latest blog wasn't something that I should have liked reading. And it wasn't something that I should have been joking about either. I seemed callous and uncaring. That is not me. I'm sorry Foff buddy. And I got your back, no matter what you need.

Foff and Will's family have asked for your prayers. Some of you don't pray. If you don't then please provide positive energy and thoughts in exchange.

Please read Foff's blog.

PS -- When I said I liked it, it was kinda true. It was very well written. The Foffinator is capable of extreme cleverness.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

... ...

How we deal with life when everything is perfect and working according to plan does not show who we really are. It's how we deal with life when the shit hits the fan that defines us.

We all make mistakes. The only way to truly fix them is to learn from them.

Wise words. From a lush.