My Thoughts Are My Own

Monday, May 30, 2005

...a word from Douglas...

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will insantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

Monday, May 16, 2005

...I thought this was a finely tuned machine...

I used to work at Home Depot. But school this last winter was going to be way too hectic, which was a good excuse for someone who doesn't like to work. So I quit, but in their "Eligible for Rehire" category, they put me in the YES column, which was very nice. Then I returned to the Home Depot two weeks ago to reapply for my job. For two weeks, I never heard from them. And I have Caller ID. They never called.

Then Friday, a supervisor from Home Depot called me. I wasn't around, and they left the message, "Stu, this is Home Depot. We were wondering if you could cover a shift for us from 9am-6pm." I couldn't. I had prior engagements, but it's good rapport to call them and let them know you can't do it if indeed you can't. So I did. I explained the situation to them. They understood. The supervisor pauses in the conversation a moment. She says to me, "Has anyone called you yet?"

I say, "No, this is the first call I got."

The supervisor then says, "Oh! Well do you know that you work on Sunday?"

I say "No! I didn't. What time?"

"3:30 to 8:30," she informs me.

"Well I can't work that! I have rehearsal at 7pm," I reply. She tells me to come in on Saturday to get this all straightened out.

I couldn't believe it! They rehired me, which was great, but neglected to tell me. They put me back on the schedule, and I had no idea. If they hadn't needed me to take a shift, or if I had decided not to bother calling them, I would have never shown up for work. They would have been short workers, and probably would have looked like idiots.

Oh well. Everyone at work now knows it, and you do too. Home Depot is run by idiots.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

...freaking politics...

Today on my way to rehearsal for the Tempest, I saw something unexpected. The other side of the highway that I usually J-walk across to get to the university was overrun with semi's, vans, trucks, and many other sorts of vehicles, all boasting signs that advertised the BC Liberals. I saw an interesting image. This didn't seem to be a regular parade. Traffic wasn't stopped, there were no cops at intersections blocking traffic. Instead, regular commuters were interspersed in this slow moving election sign. Typical of the Liberals I thought. Big trucks that represent their grand promises, moving at a snail's pace. And I found it funny they chose logging trucks and semi's hauling huge machinery to post their signs on. To me it read that all they want is to make money and exploit. It was probably immature of me, but I took great delight in fingering the 'parade' as they drove past me on my way to an artistic venture, one that they would probably cut from this province to 'save' money, when really all their trying to do is horde it. And another word, fuck you Gordon Campbell.

...learn from other's mistakes...

Before getting angry at a situation, make sure that you have all your facts straight. Situations could be skewered and/or blown way out of proportion. Good intentions can be read as bad intentions. What was once meant to mean, "I hope you're day is good" could become "Go die and fuck yourself" as it passes through a filter we call the grapevine. Make sure you know what's going on, and don't be so quick to take one person's word as gospel without at least some verification. It's not worth the stress or the energy unless it's warranted. Life is too short.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

...impressive.........most impressive

I just finished watching the new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. As one who read the books, I was excited and thrilled to watch it, and busted a gut enjoying it. But it was a fine example of how Hollywood can take a good idea and twist it to its own grand designs. Added scenes, happier ending, and the punchlines to great jokes that were omitted to fit a two hour time frame. But that's fine with me, it's a fact of reality. My favorite part was putting in bits from the original BBC movie that most people wouldn't notice. If you'd like to know I'll tell you:
  1. The song that plays when the Hitchhiker's Guide is flying through space near the beginning.
  2. The silver robot on Vogsphere was the original Marvin the Depressed Robot.
  3. The holographic recording that appears on Magrathea was the original Arthur Dent.
I betcha a zillion space credits that there were more, but that's all I saw....this time. I'd recommend it to all ya'lls. For those who have read the books and are purists and can't handle when Hollywood hacks up a good book, don't see it. You'll only make yourself angry.

Monday, May 02, 2005

...lucky there's a family guy...

Last night was a night of nights for me. For two years I have enjoyed the hilarity of Family Guy. The three original seasons on DVD never failed to entertain me, until I heard that Season Four was on its way. I must say that the wait was worth it. Like most TV shows that are genius, the Season Premier only made a good thing better. Although I will admit, there was something about the new episode that was somewhat different from the old Family Guy that we remember and love. But that's fine, cause overall, I thought it was A O K.

...all good things must have a beginning...

Well, here goes something. I have read many a blog in my time, but never actually posted any of my own. But I am quite fascinated by the idea, which is why I thought I'd start one up. Everyone else is having so much fun letting people get into their heads, it's my turn now too, although once you get in, you quite often get lost. Enjoy the ramblings, or don't, it's really your choice.