My Thoughts Are My Own

Thursday, September 22, 2005

...all of us, fools...

Many of us saw the Star Wars series in theatres or on our TV's, but in each case, money was most likely spent by someone. And for what? To see a Republic based on principles such as justice and freedom twist itself into an evil Empire based on corruption, consumption, and power, as well as the conquering of other people's land and resources.

We are a bunch of idiots to have spent money to see this.

We see it for free here in our own lives as we watch the United States and it's buddies "liberate" the world, killing people under a banner of freedom and justice while it slowly takes over the world.

Thankfully, in Star Wars, a rebellion came forth that was able to destroy the evil Empire.

Monday, September 12, 2005

...ponder this...

It took us 125 years to use the first trillion barrels of oil.

We'll use the next trillion in 30.

So why should you care?

And can you believe that most of one of North America's largest and most popular cities is now underwater? Natural disaster can strike at any time whenever it pleases. Maybe Nature is trying to tell humanity to grow the fuck up.

Friday, September 09, 2005


The Saucy Fops opened "Saucy Fops: The Musical?" last night for our Vancouver run, and all and all it was a pretty good show. Our Stage Manager and one of our actors were brand new and did pretty well considering they had two days to learn the show. I was happy that I wasn't worried about anything during the performance, it felt like a regular run. Well done Rob and Andrea. Although we do miss you Brandon and Jess. And Gisella. And Bronwyn. Man, we keep losing people along the way and picking up new ones. Oh well. Everyone holds their own pretty well.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 only gets better...

Not only was Saucy Fops titled the Patron's Pick at the Toronto Fringe with "...articulate", and Top of the Top 10 in the Critics Pick in Sasktoon with the "Saucy Fops: The Musical?", but today the were awarded the Best Comedy award in Victoria, selected by the votes of those who attended the shows at the Fringe (just so you know, none of us voted, so all 8 of us couldn't vote for ourselves). In the morning we head off to Vancouver, after selling out two shows in Victoria.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

...fops update...

For any of you who may be interested in how the Saucy Fops are doing in Victoria on the Fringe, here's an update. We haven't had a house of less than 40 our entire run here in town. Tonight (Friday September 2) we had 103 people in the audience. That's 3 more than our venue normally can seat. We had to turn away 20 people who were in line, as well as any others who may have come to see it but saw it was busy and decided to go elsewhere. We've already surpassed our total house count from our Saskatoon run, and we have one more show to go. Wicked. We've also been getting some good reviews. Three reviews came out on Wednesday, all of which rate on a scale of 5 stars. First we read the Times Colonist, which gave us 3 1/2 stars. No great, but not bad either. Then we read the Monday Magazine that gave us 4 stars. Then the topper was the Penninsula Times that gave us 5 stars. So all in all, Saucy Fops: The Musical? is rocking it up here in Victoria. Thanks Cayman and Terri for the awesome experience. And when we're done here there's still Vancouver. Gonna be pretty depressed when it's all done and finished. For any of you interest in coming down to Van to check us out, go to for our dates.